Neural Lace -A Mark of the Beast Development

Neural lace is detailed in an article  by Tech World titled “What is neural lace? How can neural lace be used? Introducing Elon Musk’s latest Venture Neuralink” Neural lace merges brains with computers.  It is an ultra thin mesh that can be injected into the skull and when the mesh is injected it unravels and … Read more

Breakthrough-Scientists Change DNA In Human Embryo

It happened and it occurred in America, MIT Technology review reported that the first Human Embryo was edited in the United States by CRISPR.   Years ago when cloning was in the news End Time Bible Prophecy watchers were worried what it might lead to but it never made it into the mainstream.  More frightening than … Read more

Signs of the Times -Universal Basic Income in Bible Prophecy

  Universal basic income or citizen’s income gives money to every family across the nation- as form of social security or welfare that one would receive without working.  It is being promoted because of our living in a technological age where it is estimated that robots will replace humans and where up to 60% of … Read more

Temple Mount News- Site May Open and Historic Sacrifice Took Place

According to an article that appeared in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz The Temple Mount custodian is willing to open the site to Israelis. According to Haaretz The head of the Muslim religious trust that administers the Temple Mount in Jerusalem has called on Israel to enter negotiations aimed at restoring the status quo on the … Read more

Micah 7 predictions for End Time Bible Prophecy

Within the Old Testament are many predictions of end time Bible prophecies that line with either what Jesus predicted or what is foretold in the Revelation .  Often these provide further details helping to paint a more complete picture of what will occur. Micah 7 provides one of them. It adds description of the sin … Read more