The Plagues of the Great Tribulation
In the book of Revelation the Trumpet and Bowl Judgments represent God’s wrath unleashed onto the earth during the second half of the Tribulation.
Six angels with trumpets deliver the first six plagues and the seventh angel with the seventh trumpet discharges the seven angels with the seven bowl judgments.
Jesus warned of this time and Daniel 12:1 confirms, “And there shall be at time of trouble, Such as never was since there was a nation, Even to that time.”
The seven angels who stand before God with the seven trumpets bring the following:
Angel 1- Hail and fire burn up a third of trees and grass.
Angel 2-A Volcano in the sea turns the sea to blood killing 1/3 of fish and ships.
Angel 3-A meteor falls like a torch in bodies of waters making them bitter and kill men who drink from them.
Angel 4-A third of the sun moon and stars darkens the day.
Angel 5-Locusts, which sting like scorpions torment men for five months.
Angel 6-An army of 200 million kill one-third of mankind.
After the these trumpets, the great angel appears with a little book. He utters seven thunders, but God tells him not to write what they spoke. This angel declares there should be no more delay, that with the sounding of the seventh angel, the mystery of God will be finished that He declared to His prophets. He gave John the little book to eat that tasted sweet as honey, but in his stomach became bitter. He told him he must prophesy about many people.
While the Revelation gives a prelude to the seventh bowl of the seventh trumpet, it continues to provide details of the events of the Tribulation, prior to the 7th bowl. This final bowl unleashes the finale or cataclysmic end of the world.
In the 15th Chapter, John witnesses the seven angels having the seven final plagues to complete the wrath of God. The temple of the tabernacle of testimony in heaven was opened and out of the temple came seven angels with the seven last plagues (Revelation 15:8). The temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from His power. No one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed.
In Revelation Chapter 16 the bowl judgments are released:
Bowl 1 Loathsome sores form on those who have the Mark of the Beast.
Bowl 2 The sea becomes like blood, and all sea creatures die.
Bowl 3 The rivers and springs become blood.
Bowl 4 The sun scorches men with fire.
Bowl 5 The throne of the Beast’s kingdom darkens, and men gnaw in pain.
Bowl 6 Poured on river Euphrates to prepare for Armageddon. Spirits like frogs from the mouth of the Beast, False Prophet and Dragon go out to kings of the earth of the whole world to gather them to the battle of Armageddon.
Bowl 7 World-shattering earthquake and 100-pound hail.
The “Great Tribulation” begins in the middle of the seven-year time frame (Daniel 9:25-27).
All of these plagues will be released during it. They end at the battle of Armageddon; the most famous battle known to man, which will unite the world’s armies together in the war that ends all wars.
This prompts the second coming of Jesus Christ, who returns in judgment with His heavenly battalion. Immediately, after God causes the cataclysmic finale of the sun darkening, stars falling from the sky and the powers of the heavens shaken (Matt. 24:29). The sky will literally roll up as a scroll and marks the end of the world.