The belief that there is any prophetical relevance to the rise of the European Union and its chaotic quest for political unity has come under severe fire over the last decade. From the Treaty of Rome in 1957 to the Maastricht Treaty in 1991 and the Lisbon Treaty of 2004 instead of history witnessing the emergence of a 21st century super power, we have only seen absolute chaos as member nations such as Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and even more recently, Cyprus, plummeting into a financial precipice destroying the reputation and credibility of the European Union in the process.
Many bible prophecy researchers have used this as leverage to introduce alternative views regarding the final super power from which the Antichrist will emerge. Should we forget about the European Union? Is it really a failed experiment of the Club of Rome that has failed to live up to expectation? Is the European Union simply a toothless entity trying to justify its global prowess in a world where the power dynamics are changing?
Yet the idea of a united Europe is more than just a quest for economic stability and prosperity. It is a long- standing vision that has captured the imagination of intellectuals who have wanted something to believe in as they attempt to build a better world.
European unification was devised as a way to eliminate war from the continent. By tying the countries of Europe together with common laws, a common currency, a European Court, a Central Bank and a host of other intertwined institutions, Europe’s planners hoped to keep age-old rivalries from resurfacing and tearing Europe apart. But is the unification of Europe the pathway to a peaceful future-or is it a nightmare in the making?
This report uncovers the power structures of the European Union and provides a geopolitical framework for understanding the development of the European Union and how the evidence proves that it fits the biblical requirement for a revival of the Roman Empire.
The Revived Roman Empire identifies the European Union as the final world empire, which will launch the Antichrist. In addition, the reader discovers the relationship between the ancient prophetic writings, the European Union and today’s current affairs. No report dealing with Bible Prophecy provides such in-depth analysis and extensive research as The Revived Roman Empire, which presents the reader with a gripping, riveting expose in line with the present geopolitical framework.
The Report can be found in the links below:
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom report is free, click on each link below for each chapter.
ABOUT THIS REPORT on the EU: Revived Roman Empire.
In this report, I teamed up with teamed up with Global Watch Weekly (Rema Marketing) to produce it. They provided the introductory material on the history of the Roman Empire. They also wrote the detailed expose on Pope Benedict, the photos and cited Media Alert articles. I provided all of the material on the EU and Bible Prophecy.
The Report can be found in the links below.
The EU and Bible Prophecy: Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- Free Version
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- Revived Roman Empire -INT
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-Daniel 2- CH1
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Empire-Roman Empire to WW1-2 CH2
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- Mother of Harlots -3
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom -Roman Legacy-4
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-Babylonian Europe-5
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom: Benedict and Globalization -6
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-Pope Francis -7
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- World Empire-8
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniels Fourth Kingdom- The Empire-9
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-New Roman Empire-10
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- Thrones of Europe-11
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Beast-The Antichrist-12
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Empire-Mark of the Beast-13
The EU and Bible Prophecy: Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-US in Prophecy-14
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Empire-Israel Peace Treaty-15
EU and Bible Prophecy: Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-God’s Promise-16