Europe in Prophecy-Map of the World is Being RedrawnBREXIT in Bible Prophecy |
The United Kingdom decision to exit the EU is one of the most controversial and shocking referendum outcomes in global political history and it is having results on the forward movement of the European Union that no one expected, that’s right the EU’s evolution into the world’s leading world power.
BREXIT might also be the fulfillment of a prophecy in the book of Daniel meaning BREXIT is in Bible Prophecy and if this is the verse that is referring to BREXIT the outcome for the UK will not be good.
Many Bible Prophecy experts are ready to wipe their hands clean of traditional prophecies about the rebirth of a modern day Roman Empire. They are looking to Islam, Turkey and the US and meanwhile the Maps are being redrawn and despite the world’s lack of interest in the European Union it is rising to super power status.
The EU and Bible Prophecy -Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom is a monumental free report which covers the following
THE BEAST OF REVELATION -MARK AND IMAGE OF THE BEAST-Europe in ProphecyIn 2010 the movie Avatar was released to become one of the biggest money spinning blockbuster movies of all time. The concept behind the movie was the ability for humans to transfer their consciousness into an alternative host body. The movie received plaudits from the media as one of the greatest Science Fiction movies ever released with the media projecting such technology would be many years away from where we are today.
But the reality is that the concept is not Science Fiction because a Transhumanist agenda funded by some of the worlds largest technology and scientific corporations is already working on the development of an Avatar using some of the most sophisticated technologies known to mankind such as bioengineering, nanotechnology, cognitive science and cybernetics.
From 2013 until today in 2017 there has been another story that keeps bleating through the media every time the TV or radio is on. The news that Europe is in crisis and the European Union is falling apart at the seams. Not only were a few years ago Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Ireland bringing down the EU with their national debt crisis, but I am sure you would have seen what happened in Cyprus several years ago. It was truly unbelievable. All banks closed and all savings accounts across every bank in the country frozen for nearly a week.
Instead of seeing the signs of an incoming world super power the media instead are telling us day after day, week after week, year after year, that the European dream is actually crashing to the floor faster than a meteor. Just recently reported here at Prophecy Talk, the European Commission just agreed to bail out the Monte dei Paschi, the world’s oldest bank and Italy’s third largest. That does not sound like an empire that is falling part to me.
A true understanding of the European Union today can only truly be measured in the context of what has happened in previous centuries before. At that time of Christ the Roman Empire was at the height of its powers having ascended to world dominion through the decline of the Grecian empire after the death of Alexander the Great. Rome had one currency, one army and one ruler known as emperor. The religion of imperial Rome was paganism that was significantly composed of belief systems and concepts that originated from the time of ancient Babylon. From the height of its glory and grandeur imperial Rome fell into decline and was eventually over run by the barbarian hordes. However the Christian Church which had been started by the apostles had undergone a significant, damaging and covert change during the reign of one of the last emperors, Constantine, in which rituals and beliefs from pagan Rome had seeped into the hierarchy of the Church. By the time that imperial Rome was no more, the Roman Catholic Church rose up to fill the power vacuum in exerting itself as the Holy Roman Empire, a mandate from God through its Popes, to bring Christianity to the world, regardless of the method and to ensure the survival of the legacy of Rome. |
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Why did one of the 20th century’s most respected Bible scholars come to the conclusion that the Bible provides overwhelming proof that there would be a revival of the Roman Empire in the last days? (Addressed in Part 1: Page 6)
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Which Merovingian King was responsible for a pact with the Roman Catholic Church to act as their military protection during the middle ages? (Addressed in Part 1: Page 9)
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Which family dynasty today, has direct descent from Charlemagne, the founder of the Holy Roman Empire and for hundreds of years has held a historical claim as “King of Jerusalem” even up until today? (Addressed in Part 1: Page 12)
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Which European movement that promotes the “United States of Europe” agenda actually pre-dates the original form of the present European Union? (Addressed in Part 1: Page 16)
The European Union flag is dark blue and has 12 stars in a circle. In a Dutch, Catholic periodical, Middelares en Koningin, April, 1974, we find the headline: “Under the Protection of Mary”. It says among other things: “We Catholics will always, when we see the blue color, perceive it as the color of the Queen of Heaven” (it is also called Mary-blue). On the imprint of the new Euro we also find 12 stars on both coins and paper money. No matter how many members the EU will consist of, there will always be 12 stars. Why just 12 stars? Why not the number of membership countries? Much indicates that the 12-star circle on the European Union flag took its inspiration from the worship of Mary in the Catholic Church. In the Catholic Church, the Queen of Heaven, Mary, with the 12 stars around her head, is a well-known motif. The acceptance of the flag of Europe took place on the very day of the 101st anniversary of Pope Pius IX’s doctrine of Mary’s Immaculate Conception, December 8, 1854. The European Council’s receiving of the “Mary flag” on that day was hardly a coincidence. |
In what hidden form has the Roman Catholic agenda for Europe presented itself at national government level in Italy, France and Germany from the 1940s up until the present day?
Which author stated It seems that the bishops want the European Union to become an extension of the church, by confirming that European civilization, in the words of the pope, “emerged because the seed of Christianity was planted deep in Europe’s soil.”
Which Vatican secret document was leaked which focused extensively on acovert agenda to undermine the United States of America in order for Europe to increase in influence and power?
What interesting statement did the Commission of the Bishops Conferences of the European Community (COMECE) say after the election of pope Francis in March 2013?
The European Union’s “Parliament” Building in Strasbourg has been deliberately designed to represent the Tower of Babel, as per the famous painting by Peter Brueghel, painted in 1563. The logic behind this symbolism is the European Union is seeking to “build the house of Europe” – a task yet to be completed. The building is complete and in use, but is designed to look unfinished, and even has ringed platforms around it to represent scaffolding. A widely known quote on the internet is that When asked by a secular journalist Why the Tower of Babel? an EU official replied, What they failed to complete 3000 years ago we in Europe will finish now. |
Which movement in the early part of the 20th century (overlooked by 95% percent of prophecy scholars) influenced the birthing of the European Super State ideology?
Many researchers talk about the North American Union, the African Union and other unions but the European Union is by far the only Union which has moved from the concept of full integration to true reality. Learn why!
Of the 5 treaties signed by European Union members since the treaty of Rome in 1957, which treaty by far has been the most damaging to the idea of individual freedoms and national sovereignty?
How does the transitioning of the Western European Union to the European Defense Agency undermine NATO and strengthen the creation of a European Army accountable only to Brussels?
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has risen from relative obscurity to become an important and influential aspect of the European Union. Together with the General Court (previously known as the Court of First Instance), the ECJ is responsible for ensuring uniform interpretation of EU treaties. Despite its relative unobtrusiveness compared to other EU institutions, the ECJ has become increasingly powerful and wields considerably more authority than many other international courts. The Court has been active in extending the reach of Community law by constitutionalizing the treaties; extending the remit of the law and using its power to propagate further European integration. It is the most serious threat to the independence and freedoms of national governments. |
The European Union is made up of many tentacles of powerful overlapping organizations and institutions but which institution is the sole one by which the Antichrist will emerge?
How do the biblical characteristics of the coming Antichrist fully harmonize with the laws governing how the European Union has been purposely structured?
The bible states that the Antichrist will be supported by 10 kings yet the European Union is made up of 28 member nations with plans to expand further over coming years. Does the expanding European Union contradict scripture or is there a way in which it will still fulfill scripture?
What was a historic and one of Europe’s most incredible achievements in 2011 after significant work by Herman Von Rompuy and Catherine Ashton?
In these days of renewed gloom about the future of Europe, a quick test is in order. Who has the worlds biggest economy? A) The United States B) China/Asia C) Europe? Who has the most Fortune 500 companies? A) The United States B) China C) Europe. Who attracts most U.S. investment? A) Europe B) China C) Asia. The correct answer in each case is In Europe. This is why Romano Prodi, a former president of the European Commission stated: “Europe’s time is almost here. In fact, there are many areas of world affairs where the objective conclusion would have to be that Europe is already the superpower, and the United States must follow our lead.” |
If the Antichrist is to arise out of the European Union, and if in Revelation 13 the “image of the beast” is to be created in the likeness of the Antichrist, could this attach huge significance to the fact that the EU have committed 1.19 billion Euros to fund the “Human Brain Project” involving more than 80 European and international research institutions?
When leading economic analysts all over the world are saying that despite the global depression and Europe’s financial chaos, that the European Union will rise to replace the US as the next economic super power, can we continually ignore this?
What message is the European Union sending out to the Mediterranean by incorporating Morocco Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia and Jordan as non European association members of the EU. Are the boundaries of imperial Rome being revived?
If the Antichrist is to be a Roman could this mean that instead of coming from the European Union he arises instead out of North Africa or the Middle East since these regions were also part of the old Roman Empire? Is there a link to the Trojans of Troy, the Spartans of Greece and the tribe of Dan? (
Why This Report Today?
I promise you, you will not have seen anything as detailed as this report. It is by far the most comprehensive and detailed work that we have put together in regards to the European Union.
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom report is free, click on each link below for each chapter.
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom report is free, click on each link below for each chapter.
ABOUT THIS REPORT on the EU: Revived Roman Empire.
In this report, I teamed up with teamed up with Global Watch Weekly (Rema Marketing) to produce it. They provided the introductory material on the history of the Roman Empire. They also wrote the detailed expose on Pope Benedict, the photos and cited Media Alert articles. I provided all of the material on the EU and Bible Prophecy.
The Report can be found in the links below.
The EU and Bible Prophecy: Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- Free Version
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- Revived Roman Empire -INT
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-Daniel 2- CH1
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Empire-Roman Empire to WW1-2 CH2
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- Mother of Harlots -3
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom -Roman Legacy-4
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-Babylonian Europe-5
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom: Benedict and Globalization -6
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-Pope Francis -7
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- World Empire-8
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniels Fourth Kingdom- The Empire-9
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-New Roman Empire-10
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- Thrones of Europe-11
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Beast-The Antichrist-12
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Empire-Mark of the Beast-13
The EU and Bible Prophecy: Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-US in Prophecy-14
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Empire-Israel Peace Treaty-15
EU and Bible Prophecy: Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-God’s Promise-16