The Revived Roman Empire
The Holy Roman Empire was an attempt to revive the Western Roman Empire, whose legal and political structure deteriorated during the 5th and 6th centuries, to be replaced by independent kingdoms ruled by Germanic nobles.
The Roman imperial office was vacant after the deposition of Romulus Augustulus in 476. During the turbulent early Middle Ages the traditional concept of a temporal realm coextensive with the spiritual realm of the church had been kept alive by the popes in Rome. Hundreds of years later in the early stages of the twentieth century the region of Europe after World War I again faced a political vacuum for which history would then again repeat itself.
The Roman Empire like Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece eventually began to decline after being in power for over years. During the time that the Roman Empire had been in existence the early Church of the Acts had become the dominant Christian denomination despite the fact that early on in her history the church had come under tremendous persecution from imperial Rome. The first recorded official persecution of Christians on behalf of the Roman Empire was in 64 AD, when, as reported by the Roman historian Tacitus, Emperor Nero blamed Christians for the Great Fire of Rome. According to Church tradition, it was during the reign of Nero that Peter and Paul were martyred in Rome.
Christians suffered from sporadic and localized persecutions over a period of two and a half centuries. Their refusal to participate in Imperial cult was considered an act of treason and was thus punishable by execution. The most widespread official persecution was carried out by Diocletian. During the Great Persecution (303-311), the emperor ordered Christian buildings and the homes of Christians torn down and their sacred books collected and burned. Christians were arrested, tortured, mutilated, burned, starved, and condemned to gladiatorial contests to amuse spectators. The Great Persecution officially ended in April 311, when Galerius, senior emperor of the Tetrarchy, issued an edict of toleration, which granted Christians the right to practice their religion, though it did not restore any property to them.
However it was during the rule of Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (reigned 306-337) that Christianity became a dominant religion of the Roman Empire. Historians remain uncertain about Constantine’s reasons for favoring Christianity, and theologians and historians have argued about which form of Christianity he subscribed to. Constantine’s conversion was a turning point for Early Christianity, sometimes referred to as the Triumph of the Church, the Peace of the Church or the Constantinian shift. In 313, Constantine and Licinius issued the Edict of Milan legalizing Christian worship. The emperor became a great patron of the Church and set a precedent for the position of the Christian emperor within the Church and the notion of orthodoxy, Christendom, ecumenical councils and the state church of the Roman Empire declared by edict in 380 AD.
However the power of the church took an extraordinary turn in 391AD when Ambrose the bishop of Milan convinced the Roman Emperor Theodosius to outlaw all of the religions in the Roman Empire except for the Roman Church. Romulus Augustus (born perhaps around 460 – died after 476, possibly alive around 500), is sometimes considered the last Western Roman Emperor (although by other accounts the last Western Roman Emperor was Julius Nepos), reigning from 31 October 475 until 4 September 476. His deposition by Odoacer traditionally marks the end of the Western Roman Empire, the fall of ancient Rome, and the beginning of the Middle Ages in Western Europe. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476, the Catholic faith competed with Arianism for the conversion of the barbarian tribes.
Early in the fifth century the Merovingian’s established themselves in what is now Belgium and northern France. There they adopted the Cabalistic pseudo-Christianity of the Cathars, a dualistic religion that holds there are two eternal gods, the god of Good and the god of Evil. Under Clovis I the pagan King of the Franks, who reigned from 481-511, the Franks converted to Roman Catholicism in AD496. Through him, Rome began to establish undisputed supremacy in Western Europe. In return for being the sword of Rome whereby the church would manifest her power and impose a spiritual dominion, Clovis was granted the title of “New Constantine” and to preside over a unified “Holy Roman Empire” based on the church and administered on the secular level in perpetuity by the Merovingian bloodline. Like “the sure mercies of David”, this was a pact that could be modified, but not revoked, broken or betrayed.
The Merovingian’s believed that Jesus survived the cross and married Mary Magdalene who bore his son then lived in seclusion in the south of France. During the fifth century this lineage is said to have married with the royal line of the Franks engendering the Merovingian dynasty. When in 496 the church pledged itself in perpetuity to the Merovingian bloodline it was presumably in full knowledge of their claimed identity. This would explain why Clovis was offered the status of Holy Roman Emperor, and why he was not created but only “crowned” king. The title that Clovis and his descendants were originally given by the Pope when the covenant between the Vatican and the Merovingian’s first began in 496 A.D. was “New Constantine”, giving him secular authority over the choicest bits of Christian Europe, just like the authority which the namesake of the office, Constantine, had once enjoyed.
But Constantine had been the “thirteenth apostle”, and was responsible for the incorporation of Christianity into the Roman institution. He was therefore also a priest-king, holding spiritual dominion as well as secular dominion, just as previous Roman emperors had done.
But when the later Merovingian kings began to exhibit a desire to exercise their own spiritual authority, which rested partially upon the foundation of their claimed blood relationship to Jesus Christ and King David, it sparked a chain of events that culminated in the assassination of Dagobert II, the last effective Merovingian king, and the loss of the title “New Constantine” for his descendants. However, the Merovingian’s appear to have taken their right to the title, and their right to European hegemony, very seriously, in a manner that seems to be rooted in something more ancient than the time of Clovis. They believe, perhaps because of their descent from Christ and King David that they were already entitled to rule over Europe long before it was sanctioned by the Pope.
This “Divine Right” was recognized by their loyal subjects as well, who regarded the Merovingian’s as semi-divine priest-kings, and who formed a cult worshipping Dagobert II after his death. With a following like that, the Merovingian’s were not about to give up their rightful inheritance without a fight.
Less than 200 years later, a man named Charlemagne (Charles the Great), who married a Merovingian princess, was made Holy Roman Emperor, and given dominion over a land mass greater even than that which the Merovingian’s had possessed. Thus began the majestic Carolingian dynasty, consisting after Charlemagne of men with partially Merovingian blood. Charlemagne too was considered a priest-king, and is probably the most famous and beloved figure in French history.
And while he may not have ruled over the entire world in actuality, he did have dominion over its most significant portion. For at that time Western Europe was without a doubt the foremost bastion of culture, science, philosophy, and morality, a light in the darkness, surrounded on all fronts by uncivilized barbarian hordes.
The Carolingian dynasty ended in 918, but the Holy Roman Empire continued to play a decisive role in the unfolding of its destiny. It was during this time that the Empire began to turn its sights towards the Holy Land. The first Crusade began in 1095, and the entire enterprise was brought about because of the pressure that certain Merovingian descendants placed upon the Pope and the nobility of Europe.
This resulted in the capture of Jerusalem four years later, and the creation of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem as part of the Holy Roman Empire. The capture was lead by Godfroi de Bouillon, a descendant of Dagobert II, and his brother, Baldwin I, was proclaimed King of Jerusalem. The Merovingian descendants appear to have considered the Holy Land their rightful possession, once again due to their direct descent from King David, and Jerusalem was in a way their coronation stone, legitimizing their eventual return to the rule of the Holy Roman Empire.
It was to this goal that they immediately dedicated themselves, and with the help of Baldwin II (son of Baldwin I, who died shortly after the capture of the Holy Land), a group of Knights was formed supposedly to help keep the roads to Jerusalem safe for pilgrims. Its core members were all from the Merovingian “Grail families”, and they soon went about establishing their own sort of empire throughout Europe – one based upon the power of money.
The Knight Templars were legally beholden to none but the Pope, and even that they took lightly, so any land controlled by them was essentially an independent principality. They held possessions throughout the continent, and controlled major industries, especially that of banking. Soon, they had all the princes of Europe indebted to them. It took the Pope and the King of France colluding against them to get them disbanded, excommunicated, and in some cases burnt at the stake before the Templar menace was finally subdued. Meanwhile, Merovingian descendants were busy reclaiming the throne of the Holy Roman Empire via another avenue. In 1273, Count Rudolf of the Merovingian-entwined Habsburg dynasty (later Habsburg- Lorraine) was elected Holy Roman Emperor, and the title stayed within the family until the Empire itself collapsed in 1806.
The Holy Roman Empire actually persisted into the early 19th century. At this time it was centralized in the loosely defined and allied Germanic states/kingdoms. Following the rise of Napoleon and the defeat of many different, unaligned German kingdoms’ forces by Napoleon’s forces, Napoleon was able to sweep across the nation we now know as Germany. One of the first things Napoleon did was to dismantle the once-proud Holy Roman Empire as well as install a number of administrative and economic reforms. Doing so actually laid the foundations of a (loose) sense of German nationalism that had not existed prior to this and led the way to many of the revolutionary happenings of the 19th century in central Europe (more specifically in Germany, Prussia, Hungary, Austria, Denmark, France, and many other tiny German principalities and duchies).
Interestingly, Napoleon, himself husband of a Merovingian princess who had consciously attempted to associate himself with the Merovingian mystique by placing golden bees from the tomb of Merovingian King Childeric III on his coronation robe. It is also interesting to note that, although he was not of royal blood himself, he was recognized as an emperor, and ruled over a pan-European empire much like the one that he had just crushed.
The Habsburgs remained the emperors of Austria, and then Austro- Hungary, until the revolution of 1919, making them the longest reigning European dynasty in history. And their role in European politics wasn’t over as evidenced by Otto Von Habsburgs influence as we see shortly. Notably despite the overthrow of the Holy Roman Empire by Napoleon the Roman Catholic Church and Popes still continued to exist albeit with reduced authority. With the overthrow of Catholic Church as a political power and no longer having the military protection it had enjoyed for thousands of year prior, the church had no ability to resist when King Victor Emmanuel II of Sardinia was proclaimed King of Italy. The state was founded as a result of the unification of Italy under the influence of the Kingdom of Sardinia, which was its legal predecessor state. However between 1861 and 1929, the Vatican City refused to recognize the Italian King’s reign over the city, and the question of whether the Pope was in charge or the King was referred to as the Roman Question. This was eventually resolved upon independence of Vatican State as a separate country from Italy and ever since the Roman Catholic Church leads the city-state.
With the overthrow of the Holy Roman Empire leading to a vacuum in which Rome’s grip had finally been cut loose. It took only 67 years from the end of the Holy Roman Empire for the Merovingian Grail families to begin jockeying once again for control of Europe. The Knights Templar had been the brainchild of another secret society which spawned them: the Priory of Sion, an order dedicated to nothing less than the restoration of the Merovingian bloodline to the thrones of Europe. And in 1873, they sponsored the creation of another front organization – the Hieron du Val d’Or, whose name, as the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail notes, contains an anagram of the place-name “Orval”, a location that seems to be particularly important to the Merovingian’s and the Priory of Sion. Notably, the word “Orval” contains the syllables which, in French, mean “gold” and “valley.” Thus “Val d’Or” means “Valley of Gold.”
In his 1979 book Le Tresor du Triangle d’Or (The Treasure of the Golden Triangle), Jean-Luc Chaumeil states that the Hieron practiced a version of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, and that the upper degrees of this order constituted the lower degrees of the Priory of Sion itself. Chaumeil described the group’s disposition as “Christian, Hermetic, and aristocratic.”
They proclaimed themselves to be Catholic, even though the Church of Rome condemned them. Their mystic teachings contained, according to Holy Blood, Holy Grail, “a characteristic emphasis on sacred geometry and various sacred sites… an insistence on a mystical or Gnostic truth underlying mythological motifs”, and “a preoccupation with the origins of men, races, languages, and symbols… ”
The order was, “simultaneously Christian and ‘trans-Christian.’ It stressed the importance of the Sacred Heart… sought to recognize Christian and pagan mysteries… [and]… Ascribed special significance to Druidic thought – which it… regarded as partially Pythagorean.”
The Hieron du Val d’Or was also unabashedly pro-monarchist, and sought a restoration of the Holy Roman Empire. But this one would be built, unlike the previous one, on an ultimately spiritual basis – a vision specifically echoed in the Priory of Sion’s own literature. The new empire would have been a reflection of Heaven on Earth, that specifically Hermetic Arcadian ideal. Jean-Luc Chaumeil described the Hieron’s agenda as: “…a theocracy wherein nations would be no more than provinces, their leaders but proconsuls in the service of a world occult government consisting of an elite. For Europe, this regime of the Great King implied a double hegemony of the Papacy and the Empire, of the Vatican and of the Habsburgs, who would have been the Vatican’s right arm.”
The events surrounding World War I toppled the Western monarchies, and for the first half of this century Europe was in total chaos. It seemed impossible for current events to be any more out of sync with the goals of the Merovingian bloodline during that time. But the chaos worked to their advantage, because it created the need for a new European order (for which the Priory of Sion, the Hieron du Val d’Or took full advantage of) an order from which the embryonic form of the European Union would eventually arise. It also created the opportunity for the Roman Catholic Church to again exert its influence on the direction of the Europe.
During this period of European vacuum Otto von Habsburg was not content to allow his family tradition of European unity to die and founded the European Center of Documentation and Information (CEDI),51 whose objective was to construct around the Spanish Borb6ns a federation of European states united in Christianity and anti-Communism.
During this period of European vacuum Otto von Habsburg was not content to allow his family tradition of European unity to die and founded the European Center of Documentation and Information (CEDI),51 whose objective was to construct around the Spanish Borb6ns a federation of European states united in Christianity and anti-Communism.
This sounded very much like a modern resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire over which Charles V had reigned. Like the Spanish empire of old, the envisaged Catholic federation was intended to have large- spectrum antennae in Latin America and the United States. Otto von Habsburg had also been named as a member of the Order of Malta, a member of Opus Dei, and a member of the Mont Pelerin Society (a branch of the Pan Europa Union).
Possibly von Habsburg’s most controversial suggestion has been his recipe for dealing with national emergencies. In the April 1978 issue of his conservative publication Zeitbuhne, he suggested that in certain emergency situations (such as nuclear blackmail or other major acts of terrorism) “governments should let a strongman take over for a period of nine months, allowing him to suspend laws and ‘take all measure necessary for the maintenance of the life of the population.”
Christopher Hollis, in the foreword to von Habsburg’s book The Social Order of Tomorrow, points out that Otto ‘wanted to see Europe resume her essential unity, and in the symbolism of that unity he thinks that the imperial crown of Charlemagne and of the Holy Roman Empire might well have its part to play.’
“Inter-European unity has long been a quest of the Habsburg dynasty. Otto himself often speaks of the similarities between the Holy Roman Empire of the Middle Ages and his view of a coming United States of Europe.”
In this regard, Otto had stressed the importance of religion in the formation of a united Europe. He regards Christianity as Europe’s bulwark: “The cross doesn’t need Europe, but Europe needs the cross.” For centuries before, the ruling Habsburgs defended the Continent against the expansion of the Turkish Ottoman Empire and Mr. von Habsburg makes it clear that all nations bordering the Mediterranean Sea – including those in North Africa and the Middle East (the Islamic states) – had a place in his broad vision for tomorrow’s Europe. A very significant statement considering what we see happening today with the European Union’s policy towards the Middle East and North Africa.
Otto von Habsburg was also president of the Pan Europa Union50 from 1973-2004. The Pan European Movement is a supranational organization founded in 1923 by Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi whose goal was the unity of Europe. Although the Pan European Movement is independent of all political parties, it holds clear and well-defined principles by which it appraises politicians, parties and institutions. The four main basic principles are based on liberalism, Christianity social responsibility, and pro- Europeanism. However its more controversial position has included keeping Moscow out of Europe and creating a Roman Catholic-oriented European Superstate. The Union also believed that that Britain should be kept out of Pan Europa since it manages an autonomous empire. Unlike Russia, Turkey belonged to Asia and also should not be included in Pan Europa, according to Kalergi. The Pan European Union is also responsible for the 12 stars on a blue ground as official symbol for Europe, which symbolizes the stars of the Virgin Mary. This flag was the basis by which the European Union flag was eventually created and it still the symbol used in its meetings today (see below president of EU Council, Herman Von Rompuy at the annual Pan Europa Meeting)
Before his death in 2011, Otto Von Habsburg the great bastion for European unity in the 20th century had the opportunity to meet Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict in meetings which would symbolize the meeting of Charlemagne and Pope Pius III in AD 800. The convergence of political and spiritual Rome, a symbolism alluded to in Revelation 17 as a union between the beast and the harlot; the ultimate Babylon.–heart-buried-crypt-85-miles-away-different-country.html
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom report is free, click on each link below for each chapter.
ABOUT THIS REPORT on the EU: Revived Roman Empire.
In this report, I teamed up with teamed up with Global Watch Weekly (Rema Marketing) to produce it. They provided the introductory material on the history of the Roman Empire. They also wrote the detailed expose on Pope Benedict, the photos and cited Media Alert articles. I provided all of the material on the EU and Bible Prophecy.
The Report can be found in the links below.
The EU and Bible Prophecy: Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- Free Version
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- Revived Roman Empire -INT
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-Daniel 2- CH1
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Empire-Roman Empire to WW1-2 CH2
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- Mother of Harlots -3
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom -Roman Legacy-4
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-Babylonian Europe-5
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom: Benedict and Globalization -6
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-Pope Francis -7
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- World Empire-8
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniels Fourth Kingdom- The Empire-9
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-New Roman Empire-10
The EU and Bible Prophecy- Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- Thrones of Europe-11
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Beast-The Antichrist-12
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Empire-Mark of the Beast-13
The EU and Bible Prophecy: Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-US in Prophecy-14
The EU and Bible Prophecy-Daniel’s Fourth Empire-Israel Peace Treaty-15
EU and Bible Prophecy: Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom-God’s Promise-16