This work began in the late 1980’s as a Bible study to see if our world was in fact in the end times.
Disappointed by the conspiracy theories that I learned of in my early years as a Christian, which taught the immediate fulfillment of end time prophecy, I embarked on my own research. If prophecy was to be fulfilled, it would occur through the natural order of events. All previous prophecies came about through the affairs of their day.
Jeremiah predicted the Babylonian invasion of Israel and a conspiracy didn’t bring about Babylonia’s power. Historical circumstances and events ushered in Babylonian rule. The prophecies of the birth and death of Jesus Christ and the destruction of the second Jewish Temple occurred during Roman rein through its various leaders. Yet when it comes to end time prophecies, conspiracy theories proliferate from the Catholic Church, Illuminati, Masons, Trilateral Commission, Skull and Bones, Rothschild’s, Bildeburgers, and Jewish conspiracies which are adopted by some radical Islamic writers and feed the fire of anti-Semitism. These authors always claim to have interviewed insiders who tell all.
The Antichrist steps into his position and forms an alliance with ten rulers. He deceives the world.
The Bible does not forecast a group of men as conspiracy theories teach, but one man. A false prophet assists him along with the kings who place their allegiance in him. No conspiracies bring about the final world order.
When examining end time prophecies one discovers gaps. A gap creates a hole from the present to the time of fulfillment and conspiracy theorists fill the gaps with a conspiracy theory. When I began this research over 20 years ago there existed many gaps and in this time they have closed or some have narrowed to the place that one can easily speculate on what will occur next. Conspiracy theories substitute for time consuming research on the part of the author. Many of the authors of prophetic works in relation to current events are theologians and spend little time researching current events. In the end the Devil uses these theories as tools to blind believers from the truth and rob God of glory.
No conspiracy will usher in the final world order. Prophecy will reach fulfillment in the geopolitical system. Viewing it from a geopolitical angle provides a more accurate picture of where our world stands in the prophetic time line in relation to the end times.
My hope is that his book will both educate the reader on the end time prophecies in relation to the European Union and will help to eradicate the conspiracy theories which circulate Evangelical Christian circles. After reading this work the reader will both understand the prophetic forecasts and also gain knowledge of the European Union, which if one eliminated the prophetic writings will alarm anyone. In addition, the reader will stand in awe of a God whose words written several thousand years ago are seeing fulfillment through the events of our day.
After World War II, European leaders proposed the idea of forming the European Steel and Coal Community, which birthed the European Union. Skeptics said the complicated idea will fail. In 1957, European leaders signed the Treaty that marked the birth of the European Union. In the mid 1990’s when the EU set out to complete the Common Market and eliminate trade barriers and harmonize laws among the Member States, the skeptics once again said it will fall short.
The prophet Daniel predicted 2600 years ago, the structure of the final world empire that will rule the world in the end of days and launch the Antichrist. He revealed the location of this empire when he forecast that these same people will destroy Jerusalem, and the second Temple. The evil “prince that shall come” will arise from these same inhabitants. During the Roman Empire’s reign this prophecy saw fulfillment and marked the Roman Empire as the launching pad for the Antichrist. Some Bible eschatologists cited the early European Community as the possible political entity because of its location. With the success of the 1992 Common Market, these scholars were on the mark. When the European Union embarked on its plans for a common currency, experts once again said that the feat will fail. In fact, monetary union achieved such success that the euro is stronger than the US dollar and second in line as a reserve currency to the US dollar.
The Union’s next step is to move towards political union and again the skeptics are saying that it will fail for a variety of reasons. Once again they will be wrong as the EU moves to becoming the greatest and most crushing dictatorships ever in existence.
From the start of the research for this work to the completion, this book never became outdated. Most works that relate Bible prophecy and current events quickly become obsolete as the events turn into history. The Gulf War prompted books as did other historical occurrences. This work from start to finish has not deleted dated information and this book withstands the time test because the European Union continues to evolve into the world power forecast by Daniel and John in the Revelation.
This European Union is a complicated entity and this report takes an academic approach by providing the EU’s history, evolution and facts which in many points reveal the EU’s wider ambitions and makeup, which parallel with Scripture. This book could have numbered half the pages and with larger print and act as a sensationalized work and leave the reader on the edge of their seat but with many questions. Given the complexity of the EU, less is not more in writing about the EU and prophecy.
The information compiled for this book relied on the European think-tanks that formulate EU Policy and European publications that cover the desks of EU bureaucrats. One can easily find each of the documented works. Several publications that for one reason or another went out of publication such as the newspaper, The European, and the journal, European Affairs provided excellent information. The Washington Delegation of the European Communities used to publish a magazine called, Europe: Magazine of the European Communities, which produced another viable resource. The EU’s official publications provide another source. This research began before the advent of the internet when one had to access these periodicals manually. The internet made the research easier because much of the material that one had to order from Brussels or London and subscribe to because US libraries did not carry the information, was now available online. Those publications laid the foundation of knowing where to search online. A good deal of the research for this book does not rely on the American press but rather on the European press and news organizations which offer far greater comprehensive reporting on the EU and on world news as a whole.
My goal was to leave no stone unturned and provide an analytical work based on quality research. In contrast on the theological end, this work relied on Biblical commentaries from leading commentators in Evangelical circles. Some answers came to me after much prayer, others as I opened the Scriptures and read them in addition to research.
In completing the work came a satisfaction I never experienced with any other work. I came to a place of blessing seeing Scripture literally unfold before my very eyes. Initially, when the first rough draft of this work was completed in the early 1990’s, this work was ahead of its time as many people had not even heard of the EU and most could care less. I knew that this would change in time when the EU became more recognized and as the world continued to grow more desperate as the birth pangs that Christ prophesized came upon it. These events occurred this last decade with the horrific hurricane disasters that seemed to occur one after another and the world-wide financial crisis.
At times during the course of this work I felt like a historian, only I was writing about what will take place in the future as if it already happened. I discovered the information that intelligence agency’s seek, and questioned why US agencies looked at Japan and China as possible future threats, but never examined the EU, despite its obvious stated ambitions for the global limelight as was in their past, especially considering its undemocratic structure. If I eliminated the Scriptural forecasts out of this report, one will still feel alarmed about the evolving European Union.
As I neared completion of the book, the earthquake in Haiti struck and I felt the urgency to finish the manuscript as soon as possible and get it out to the public because the time of the end is that close.
The EU continues to evolve into the crushing superpower with iron legs forecast by Scripture. Already there are hints of a police state which the British writer and theologian Alan Franklin has reported on concerning various EU laws.
According to prophecy when the Antichrist establishes his dictatorship he will abolish world religion along with any writings that oppose his police state. In that day this book too will be illegal and banned. The timing for this book’s message is now while freedom of religion and speech still exists.
The Empire: Bible Prophecy and the EU -Free Edition
The Empire: EU and Bible Prophecy-INT
The Empire: As was time of Noah and Lot-1
The Empire: The Antichrist-2
The Empire:Mother of Harlots -3
The Empire: Cornerstone for Uniting the World-4
The Empire: Building an Empire-5
The Empire: Seat of Antichrist- 6
The Empire: Ten Kings-3 Plucked up by roots- 7
The Empire:Mark of the Beast-8
The Empire: United States in Prophecy- 9
The Empire: Israel Peace Treaty -10
The Empire: The Tribulation is Coming- 11