How Many Times is “Antichrist” Used in the Bible?

How Many Times is “Antichrist” Used in the Bible? The Antichrist in Bible Passages The Bible only refers once to the Antichrist who is the diabolical dictator that Bible Prophecy forecasts. The Antichrist is mentioned by John who was one of Jesus’ disciples who wrote the Gospel of John, three of the epistles and the … Read more

The First Mention of Antichrist in the Bible

The Antichrist in Bible Passages The first time the Antichrist is mentioned in the Bible is in Genesis 49:16-18, during Jacob’s last words to his sons. He states that,”Dan shall judge his people as one of the tribes of Israel. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, a viper by the path, that bites … Read more

Bible Prophecy: The Peace Treaty

This is a sample:Chapter 7 THE PEACE TREATY The Tribulation begins when the Antichrist signs a peace treaty with Israel, guaranteeing its security (Dan. 9:27).  Nearly all Bible prophecy centers on Israel, including the prophecies dealing with the Tribulation.  Today the Middle East is a primary focus in international affairs. Bible scholars view the reestablishment … Read more

The Rapture Is the Only Way to Escape the Tribulation

Sample Chapter 10 Warning and Promise The main message throughout this book is not just to educate you about the Antichrist, but also to tell you how to avoid him and the Tribulation altogether. The only way to circumvent  the Tribulation is to know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. If you are already a … Read more