13-His number is 666.

I.                   Solving the Revelation 13:18 Riddle : His number is 666. The fact that the Antichrist is Satan is further reinforced by “His number is 666.”   The number six, translated from the New Testament Greek into English, means “vex,” or “curse,”  because he who bears this number is cursed. To be cursed in the Bible means to be … Read more

The Antichrist Has Over 30 Names in the Bible

The Antichrist: Bible Facts The Tribulation is a seven-year period of wars, plagues, famines, earthquakes, and disasters. It ends in the Battle of Armageddon, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Part of the earth’s judgments happen through a leader whom the masses empower. The Scriptures profile this dictator’s reign of terror. Due to his … Read more

What Is The Unholy Trinity?

The unholy trinity is derived from Revelation 13, which refers to “the Beast,” and later in the passage names him 666. The number six, translated from the New Testament Greek into English, means “vex,” or “curse.”  Seven represents God’s number of perfection. The triple six represents the unholy trinity, with the Devil acting as God.  … Read more