The Identity of the 7th and 8th head of the Beast of Revelation Explained

In my article The Names of Blasphemy on the Beast of RevelationRevealed, I detail the identity of the first six heads and the Names of Blasphemy, this provides us a gauge of what to look for in identifying the 7thand 8th head. Some writers have come up with all kinds of far -fetched identifications of … Read more

Why Christian Martyrs Must Die During the Great Tribulation

Why would God allow Christians to be killed during the Tribulation, when the Tribulation is coming as judgment upon the world?  This is the hard to grasp.   Why would God allow the Beast to be both the judge of the world and the persecutor of the church?      Under the Roman empire Jesus was … Read more

What Bible Prophecy tells us about Armageddon

This is a sample -Chapter 10 ARMAGEDDON Imagine that along with the Mark of the Beast and the Antichrist’s abolishing religion and conquering nations in war come the four horsemen, seal, trumpet and bowl judgments of the Revelation prophecy.  There will be famines, and earthquakes. Nations rise  against nations in war and men murder each … Read more

The Abomination of Desolation in Bible Prophecy

This is a Sample -Chapter 8 from the Apocalypse by Erika Grey THE ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION After the Antichrist signs the peace treaty,  economic prosperity follows the first three and a half years after the agreement. The Antichrist raises the EU into a great economic and political world power.  Nations prosper through trade and association … Read more

When Does The Tribulation Begin?

The Tribulation begins when the Antichrist signs a peace treaty with Israel, guaranteeing its security (Dan. 9:27).  Nearly all Bible prophecy centers on Israel, including the prophecies dealing with the Tribulation.   Today the Middle East is a primary focus in international affairs.Bible scholars view the reestablishment of the nation of Israel as the most important … Read more