Shocking 1000 Men Gang- Assault Women In Germany

I knew that in the last days we would have riots and gangs and the world would be a dangerous place to live,  and these would be part of the signs of the times, but I never imagined that a gang of 1000 men would rob and sexually assault women. This happened on New Year’s … Read more

Disturbing End Time Sign-Alarming Number of Obese People

The Economist published a finding from a Who Article that said that Obesity more than doubled since 1980, which caught my attention. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s OECD’s Obesity Update Over half of all adults are overweight. Overweight and obese people are a majority today in the OECD area. The obesity … Read more

Same Sex Marriage Seals Doom On World

The United States Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriage is now legal and constitutional.  What next that will be ruled legal as constituting a marriage?   Taking together all of the signs predicted in Bible Prophecy none is so specific as Luke 17:26-30 when Jesus compared the end times to the days of Lot, which … Read more

End Times Rise in Alcoholism-What the Bible says about Drunkenness?

It is no surprise that both drug abuse and alcoholism are on the rise in these end times.  This too is another sign sign that we are in the end times.  According to Who almost 6% of all worldwide deaths are attributed to alcohol consumption. In 2013 over 24% of people said they binge drank … Read more

Bible Prophecy, End time Signs

The Apocalypse This is a sample chapter from Chapter 3 Signs of the Times Daniel 8:23 states that the Tribulation begins when “the transgressors have reached their fullness.” Meaning society cannot get any more wicked. People degenerate to such a great degree that God inflicts his wrath and ushers in a new world ruled by … Read more