3 EU Democracy Dirty Tricks I Couldn’t Believe

While keeping my eyes on the evolving EU empire, which is the revivived Roman empire that will launch the Antichrist, I have in my book the Seat of the Antichrist talked about its democratic deficit. This is essential for a future dictatorship. In my recent video titled, Dark Trush-Three EU Democracy Dirty Tricks You Wont … Read more

The Little Horn of Daniel Points to Revived Roman Empire

6 The Little Horn -Points to Roman Empire The little horn is a title given to the Antichrist and it is only found in the book of Daniel. I can still recall the horror of a Pastor I knew as he relayed that a Satanist who he was witnessing to identified  who he worshipped as … Read more

10 Facts that Prove the Roman Empire Revived

12  FACTS THAT PROVE THE ROMAN EMPIRE REVIVED The Bible’s accuracy is astounding,  both the books of Daniel and the Revelation line up and provide details about the revived Roman Empire that is the 6th, 7th and 8th head on the Whore of Babylon with the 7th and 8th head forecast for during the Tribulation. … Read more

Behind the Scenes- 60th Anniversary- Europe Fights Back Forum

This video highlights the EU Spinelli group forum that took place at the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and March for Europe in Rome Italy.  Erika Grey provides the footage taken from her smart phone of highlights of the event and also provides the bios of the European Union politicians who are helping … Read more