European Federalism, Globalization and One World Government

Bible Scholars agree that the final world power or revived Roman Empire will rule globally. The Scripture states that the entire world worships the Beast. The Antichrist institutes his Mark worldwide. End time watchers follow developments in globalization and the New World Order. Unfortunately, around this premise many conspiracy theories have arisen. They teach that … Read more

The EU in Bible Prophecy: Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom- God’s Promise-16

16   The Final World Empire i.e. Revived Roman Empire, Daniel’s Fourth Kingdom and God’s Promise Twenty-three years ago on September 11, 1990 George Bush stood at a podium in front of congress and uttered the phrase New World Order. Like lightening, it bolted through the airwaves of conspiracy theorists and the huddled masses of Evangelical … Read more

The EU and One World Government

In last week’s show in which I taught against conspiracy theories I said that in this week’s show I would tell my listeners what information is out in the open and what they have missed by keeping their eye on non-existent conspiracy theories. If you have purchased my book The Revived Roman Empire  or my … Read more

The New Order: The Age of Empire: The New World Order is History

23 Years ago on September 11, 1990 George Bush stood at a podium in front of congress and uttered the phrase New World Order. Like LIGHTNING, it bolted through the airwaves of conspiracy theorists and the huddled masses of Evangelical Christians. The New World Order would launch the Antichrist and the ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT the Bible … Read more