The Identity of the 200 Million Army in Revelation 9

13 Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, 14 saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.” 15 So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and … Read more

The Rapture: Jesus Comes As A Thief

The Bible mentions seven references to Jesus returning as a thief and seven is God’s number of perfection. The Revelation mentions two of these.  One of the verses in Revelation gives the same blessing we see in Luke saying, “Blessed is he who watches.” or for those who the Lord Jesus when He comes finds … Read more

The 10 Days of Revelation and the 10 Days of Daniel

In the book of Revelation Jesus stands among the lamp stands and speaks to the seven churches.    In Jesus’s letter to the Church at Smyrna, which are the Tribulation Christians He begins by addressing Himself as the First and the Last who was dead, but came to life. What is significant about Jesus identifying that … Read more

Seven Steps to Prepare for the Tribulation

As the end time signs blare in front of my eyes, I know that within a few years the Tribulation is about to launch. I believe in the Rapture and trust that I will be exiting this earth in the clouds with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who by some unexplainable  event will get … Read more

Why The Mark of the Beast Will Guarantee You Will Go To Hell

It hit me like a bolt of lightning that taking the mark of the beast causes one to spend their eternity in hell.  For those who do not know about the mark of the beast it is mentioned twice in the Revelation  and referenced to in six verses and it is the mark that the … Read more