Why the Whore of Babylon Wears Purple and Red

10 WHY THE WHORE OF BABYLON WEARS PURPLE AND RED The Whore of Babylon of Revelation 17 is clothed in scarlet and purple and gold, and  many have wondered what these colors represent.  We know that the Whore of Babylon draws men and women away from true salvation and we see this salvation represented in … Read more

10 Facts that Prove the Roman Empire Revived

12  FACTS THAT PROVE THE ROMAN EMPIRE REVIVED The Bible’s accuracy is astounding,  both the books of Daniel and the Revelation line up and provide details about the revived Roman Empire that is the 6th, 7th and 8th head on the Whore of Babylon with the 7th and 8th head forecast for during the Tribulation. … Read more

Daniel’s Ten Kings Predicts Modern Politics

14 The Ten Kings – Modern Politics Predicted In the book of Daniel and the Revelation it is predicted that the final world empire will have a government of ten kings along with the Antichrist. Revelation 17 tells us that the ten kings willingly give their power and authority to the Beast and they have … Read more

The Whore of Babylon’s Coming Judgement in Revelation

15 The Whore’s Judgment In the end times, the Great Whore sits upon the Beast-joined to his Kingdom—and later the Antichrist and his federation of kings destroy her.  They carry her off, leaving her naked and burned.  Her presence indicates political influence.  Her destruction by the Beast reveals that she exercises limited power over the … Read more

Emmanuel Macron Wins- Another End Time Bible Prophecy Sign

  Emmanuel Macron won the French presidency today as I had predicted he would based on end time Bible prophecy because a Marine Le Pen win would have possibly meant the end of the European Union and it would have put a wrench in the development of the EU. With all of the other signs that … Read more