The US and Bible Prophecy- Links For Prophecy Watchers

In my book the Seat of the Antichrist: Bible Prophecy and the European Union I state that in Bible Prophecy the Bible does not refer to the US as the leading superpower.  The books of Daniel and the Revelation describe the Roman Empire as becoming the most powerful world power the world has ever known. … Read more

An EU Directory For EU News and Prophecy Buffs

My book The Seat of the Antichrist: Bible Prophecy and the European Union proves that the EU is the final world power spoken of by Daniel the Prophet and John in the Revelation and provides an in-depth view of the EU in light of Prophecy in the Bible. Bible Prophecy watchers should be keeping an eye … Read more

Links to Wars and Current Conflicts Worldwide

Links to Wars and Current Conflicts In my book the Seat of the Antichrist I list several areas that Bible Prophecy watchers must watch for in the end time. These includes earthquakes, natural disasters, famines and pestilence and wars and rumors of wars. Jesus stated in these couple of verses: Matt:24:7 For nation will rise … Read more