Bible Book Summaries: Old Testament Book
In the book of Leviticus, God speaks to Moses from the Tent of Meeting and issues Moses the Law, which begins with the requirements for the sacrifices for various offerings: burnt, grain, fellowship, sin and trespass.
From the first chapter is symbolism of Jesus Christ in the offering of a male without blemish and the sprinkling of blood. For the sin offering (various sins are outlined) the priest kills a lamb without blemish to make atonement for sin. The eating of blood is forbidden because life is in the blood.
The portions of the offerings for the priests are detailed. God next commanded Moses on the ordination rituals of Aaron and his sons. Afterwards God detailed to Moses dietary laws of clean and unclean food, skin diseases, laws for bodily discharges and childbirth.
God established the Day of Atonement in which the priests make atonement for the children of Israel’s sins once a year. He elaborates on their being forbidden to eat blood because “the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar, to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.”
God proceeds to establish laws regarding sexual relations, other assorted laws, punishments for breaking those laws, rules for priests and Sabbath and feast days. God commands specific instructions for lamp oil for the lighting of the lamps, which should burn continuously before the Lord. In Leviticus a blasphemer is stoned and the death penalty is established for murder and an eye for an eye for other crimes. Leviticus emphasizes a holy God and personal holiness in worshipping a holy God. Holy in Leviticus is not the stereotypical pious holiness, which comes to mind, but is esoteric, complex and profound in response to an awe inspiring God .
God decreed a Sabbath, a year of rest for the land of Israel. After seven times seven or 49 years, in the 50thyear, shall be a Jubilee. The Israelites shall neither sow nor reap and shall not oppress one another. God forbids Israel’s idolatry and details various judgments for disobedience. God provides a monetary valuation for certain deeds and Leviticus concludes with God establishing the tithe as belonging to Him.