A Great Brand for a Healthy Diet
I have been eating a healthy, Biblical, vegetarian style diet for almost 20 years. What I mean by vegetarian style diet is that my diet consists of a variety of whole grains and beans and small amounts of meat, chicken and fish. I once taught a class at my church on a Biblical diet and brought samples of the various whole grains the Bible mentions. God created foods to be eaten the way they were created. Processed foods, which have been refined, are not only harmful to the body, but do not provide the nutrients the body needs. Organic is a stamp that not only means that the foods are cultivated without pesticides, but generally the foods are whole foods. A whole food is a food that is not processed or refined and they are the healthiest for the human body.
At one time only health food stores sold whole grains, healthy and organic foods. These small stores grew into giant supermarkets such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s. As these gained popularity, the big supermarket chains jumped on the bandwagon and now carry many health foods.
I shop at Stop & Shop and discovered Nature’s Promise Organic Foods, which are made by Ahold, an international retailing group based in the Netherlands. Their brands are sold in Europe and the United States. Ahold operates six prominent supermarket companies on the East Coast: Stop & Shop, Giant Food, Tops Markets, Giant Food Stores, BI-LO, and Bruno’s Supermarkets.
While at first skeptical of the Nature’s Promise Brand, with each product that I have tried– and they offer over 500 offerings– I have found them to consistently be made with organic, healthy ingredients. They taste great and cost less than organic foods sold at health food stores. Among my favorites are their unsweetened soy milk, which tastes better than both Trader Joes and Westsoy. Their ginger cookies, are flavor packed and reasonably priced. I have also tried their ice cream, breads from bakery to sliced loaf, chicken and chocolate cream filled cookies, which I dip in their soy milk, and other products. Each time I am impressed with the ingredients, quality and price.
Trader Joes is known for quality and price. Nature’s Promise unsweetened soy milk is the same price as Trader Joe’s. When it goes on sale it is less expensive than Trader Joes brand and it tastes better. It does not surprise me that Ahold, which makes Natures Promise is from the Netherlands. Europeans eat healthier than Americans and the EU’s standards for certain foods are higher than Americas.
According to Ahold’s Company info sheet “The foundation of our company is selling great food – this is what we are known for and is our core business. We provide customers with great value and a convenient and innovative shopping experience with a wide range of products and healthy choices. Our vision is to offer all of our stakeholders – our customers, employees, suppliers, shareholders, and the communities we serve – better choice, better value, better life, every day. We are committed to acting responsibly in all that we do.”
Nature’s Promise lives up to the company purpose and I would recommend their products to all who shop for organic, pure, whole foods. The one drawback is their packaging, which has a generic feel and does not lend to wholesome, organic ingredients within the package.While this is not a Bible Prophecy topic, these end times are stressful times in which we live and all the more reason to eat healthy to help handle the difficult situations we must face.