The Tribulation is a seven-year period of wars, plagues, famines, earthquakes, and disasters. It ends in the Battle of Armageddon, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.
The earth was formed in seven days and will be destroyed and judged in seven years.
The book of Daniel, which mirrors Revelation, specifically defines the time period as a week, which is a seven-year period of time. Daniel details the abomination of desolation, which occurs in the middle of the week, Daniel actually provides the number of days to the end from the time of this act in the middle of the seven year Tribulation period.
For more on the details of the Tribulation and the Great Tribulation read Erika’s book End of the World the Revelation Prophecy available on Amazon.
Book Summary
No book in the Bible is more frightening than the Revelation. The entire book is devoted to the end of the world detailing God’s judgments unleashed onto the earth plague by plague. Revelation is the last book of the Bible and is a prophetic book. It forecasts the apocalypse, which means the final destruction of the world with events of catastrophic scale. Part of the Earth’s judgments happen through a world dictator Bible Scholars refer to as the Antichrist. End of the World: The Revelation Prophecy provides an overview of the book of Revelation while also correlating Bible Prophecy to current events to help the reader understand how close we now are to the fulfillment of the Revelation prophecy. Written by author and prophecy expert Erika Grey, Erika focuses on current affairs, the EU and its relation to Bible Prophecy and issues that affect individuals living in these end times. Erika Grey is the leading authority on the EU and Bible Prophecy within the Evangelical Christian community., features Erika’s books, articles and radio broadcasts.