Hunt For the Antichrist Channel is LIVE!

Exciting News! The Hunt for the Antichrist YouTube Channel is Live! I am thrilled to announce that The Hunt for the Antichrist Youtube channel is officially launched. After months of preparation and anticipation, we are finally ready to embark on this epic journey together. Get Ready for Exclusive Interviews Starting next week, we will begin … Read more

3 EU Democracy Dirty Tricks I Couldn’t Believe

While keeping my eyes on the evolving EU empire, which is the revivived Roman empire that will launch the Antichrist, I have in my book the Seat of the Antichrist talked about its democratic deficit. This is essential for a future dictatorship. In my recent video titled, Dark Trush-Three EU Democracy Dirty Tricks You Wont … Read more

Biblical Prophecy Analysis: Expert Insights, Uncommon Depth

Unlock expert biblical prophecy analysis, providing uncommon depth and fact-based insights: This was AI’s response to my teachings. I thought I would ask AI about my work and “if there was anyone out in the Bible Prophecy Teaching arena teaching the depth of “how does my work differ from all prophecy teachers in the world … Read more

The Danger of False Prophets: Jonathon Cahn’s Revelation Errors

Two of the largest Christian networks just featured false prophet Jonathan Cahn, who claimed he had a vision that the October 7 attack on Israel is the fulfillment of the Revelation 12 prophecy. In Cahn’s books, he finds parallels to Jewish history and seasons. He found parallels between the 9/11 attacks and Ancient Assyria’s invasion … Read more

The Hidden Ones: Identifying the 144,000 of Revelation

“Unlock the mystery of the 144,000 in Revelation! Discover the shocking truth about Israel’s ultra-orthodox Haredim and their connection to end-time prophecy. Get insider knowledge on the biblical criteria and how the Haredim fit the description.” I’m about to drop a prophecy bombshell and reveal the identity of the group from which the 144,000 in … Read more