The day that Mike Pence went to the Munich conference and told NATO allies that they must step up their contributions and suggested that those who do not contribute are not entitled to its defense is the day that Donald Trump killed NATO and frankly good riddance.
Trump is right NATO is a relic, it is obsolete and a carryover from the Cold War.
For US Democrats it was another place to waste tax payers hard earned dollars and to rack up the US deficit.The EU has not wanted NATO, it is rhetoric when they speak of their defense as a pillar of NATO, the EU has wanted its own defense arm for decades.
Here is some EU history:
Since 1946, several European nations have attempted to create military alliances.
In 1948, the Brussels Treaty Organization (BTO) formed, but was absorbed by NATO in late 1950.
In 1952, the newly established European Defense Community (EDC) attempted too much too soon, and it collapsed.
In 1948, European leaders signed the Brussels Treaty—a modification of the EDC. It resulted in the Western European Union, which came into being in Paris on October 23, 1954, and ratified by all members in London on May 6, 1955. Its members included Britain and the six members of the EU. The WEU underwent significant changes.
In 1984, the European defense and foreign affairs ministers agreed to “reactivate” the WEU and harmonize the members’ views on key issues. In 1987, the WEU Council adopted a “Platform on European Security Issues” and declared its intention to develop a “more cohesive European defense identity.” Prompted by the crisis in the Gulf and by German unification, which meant a larger, more powerful Germany and an uncertain NATO, the EU members decided that their union should include defense. Some suggested that the WEU merge with the EU.
The WEU admitted a host of new members in the mid 1990’s.
The European Council met in Cologne in June of 1999 and decided on a common policy on Russia, which was the first use of the Common Foreign and Security Policy and adopted the declaration on Kosovo. In relation to the European Security and Defense Policy, the Council declared that the EU must have the capacity for autonomous action, backed up by credible military forces, the means to decide to use them, and a readiness to do so, in order to respond to international crises without prejudice to actions by NATO.”
In 2000, the European Council at Nice established the decision making bodies (Political and Security Committee and a Military Committee reinforced by a Military Staff) and a crisis reaction force of sixty thousand soldiers.
In May of 2001, leading members of the EU’s newly established military organizations, high-ranking officials and military personnel from the various Member States, and members of several European military and political think-tanks met in Berlin for a colloquy where they established the EU’s security concepts and risks. Over four hundred participants from over thirty countries attended and all discussed security issues that would affect Europe and the EU’s development of its own military.
Although the Amsterdam Treaty gave the WEU an integral role in giving the EU an independent defense capability, WEU Ministers met in Marseille and agreed to begin transferring the organization’s capabilities and functions to the European Union, under its developing Common Foreign and Security Policy(CFSP) and European Security and Defense Policy (ESDP).
The Nice Treaty removed the role given to the WEU in the Amsterdam Treaty.
The European Defense Agency is a continuation of the work of the Western European Armaments Organization (WEAO) and the Western European Armaments Group (WEAG). It represents the transference of their functions from the WEU and to the EU framework, and thus continues the decommissioning of the Western European Union, the WEU.
The European Defense Agency (EDA) is an agency of the European Union headquartered in Brussels. Set up in July 2004, it is a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) body set up which reports to the Council of the European Union.
The Lisbon Treaty scrapped the WEU and kept the mutual defense clause of the Treaty of Brussels as a basis for EU mutual defense arrangement. The Treaty of Lisbon states the following: “The common security and defense policy shall include the progressive framing of a common defense policy. This will lead to a common defense, when the European Council, acting unanimously, so decides.”
In February of 2009, the European Parliament voted in favor of the creation of a Synchronized Armed Forces Europe (SAFE) as a first step towards a true military force. An EU directorate will direct SAFE with training standards and operational doctrine. SAFE created an EU “Council of Defense Ministers” and a European statute: soldiers governing training standards, operational doctrine and freedom of operational action. SAFE is based on voluntary participation and will lead to the synchronization of the European forces. SAFE aims to develop an integrated European security structure. There will be civil and military capabilities in the member countries’ reach.
According to the November 17, 2009, Times Online, Italy will push for the creation of a European Army after the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty. According to the article, Franco Frattini, the Italian Foreign Minister, said that the Lisbon Treaty established “that if some countries want to enter into reinforced co-operation between themselves they can do so.” This agreement existed with the euro and the Schengen accords on frontier-free travel, and a “common European defense” will take the same approach. Mr. Frattini suggested that if there was a European army one nation can send planes, another tanks and another armored cars. He said this is the idea of a European army. [i] That was then.
The EU’s army will continue to evolve and Jean Claude Juncker called for its creation this year. With Donald Trump calling NATO obsolete, which it is, EU leaders are acting shocked but have been at work for their own defense as I relayed for decades.
Some EU officials were stating that NATO had no purpose and was dated after the end of the Cold War. It should also be noted that one of the Secretary Generals of NATO had even written essentially that NATO was useless before serving as its Secretary General. This was Javier Solana. He went onto serve as the European Union’s high representative for foreign and security policy and went onto to serve as the Secretary General of the Western European Union.
So for all of the shock in the European Press about Trump calling NATO obsolete, some of their own leaders-even who was appointed to NATO itself- were saying the same thing. But, Donald Trump killed NATO, and how did he kill NATO, by asking the EU countries to cough up funds so that the defense does not rely on the US. Even though it is not official and NATO is still intact you know that no one is going to cough up those funds: no European Nation is going to cough up those funds.
NATO has been tolerated as long as the US has paid for it. So Donald Trump will go down in history as the US president who killed NATO, but NATO was already sick and dying and will soon be out of the way for the final creation of an EU wide military.
It goes without saying that with my teachings on end time Bible Prophecy and the EU that will become a powerful empire with a powerful military this fits right in with end time Bible Prophecy-the final dissolution of NATO that will be coming.
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