and that the number of obese children under five has nearly doubled since 1990. WHO is asking for a global response. The epidemic is blamed on inadequate access to healthy foods. I just wrote an article titled: Disturbing End time Sign, Alarming Number of Obese People, and this article highlights that obesity now affects children.
Childhood obesity like adult obesity is on the rise and is now a global problem. Children now suffer health problems that were once associated with overweight, middle-aged adults.
Companies that make foods for children add large amounts of sugar, artificial dyes and saturated fats. Choices for children appeal to their love of color and sugar and not to their health. According to the article the WHO blamed unregulated marketing of high fat foods as contributing to the problem.
What is just as disturbing about adult obesity in the end times is that we are also seeing it extend to children. What begins with adults ends with the kids and as the society grows more self indulged and violent we see also the children mirroring the adults. This was also evident in Sodom and Gomorrah when the men and young boys surrounded Lot’s house.
As I stated in my previous article our society is mirroring the self indulgent times predicted of the end times in 2 Timothy 3:1-6. Childhood obesity is another sign of the end times.
The obese generally do not eat healthy snacks and they overeat sugar and carbohydrate loaded foods for the dopamine that these foods release in the brain. Dopamine is the body’s feel good chemical. In addition food manufacturers design their food products to appeal to the senses.
Foods that look good and taste great are not always the healthiest foods. Overweight persons become so accustomed to these designer foods that they no longer enjoy the sweetness, color and good taste that is found in nature of the foods God gave us to enjoy. Drug addiction changes the brain chemistry so that one needs the drug to feel good and similarly with food addiction wholesome natural foods become tasteless to thefood addict.
Overeating is a form of idolatry and that a food addict is a lover of pleasure, which is stated of the end times in 2 Timothy, that men and women will be lovers of pleasure.Overeating is also the sin of gluttony. According to Knowing Jesus the Bible has 32 verses dealing with gluttony. Thus in these end times not only do we see increases in other social woes affecting adults and children but also gluttony.
Getting a child to eat right is sometimes a constant struggle for parents. With the rates of obesity in adults the parents themselves are overindulging in food and themselves are not eating healthy.
While children will opt for their designer foods they will eat a healthy snack rather than not eat at all. Good eating is about eliminating the foods that are not good for us and replacing them with their healthy alternatives. Below is a list of ten healthy snacks for your children that will help them maintain both their weight and health and if you are an adult who is also struggling in this area, the list is for you aswell.
Ten Healthy Snacks for Children
Tips for Maintaining Your Child’s Health and Weight
1. FRUITS: Watermelon, peaches, nectarines, apricots, grapes, plums, honeydew melons, cantaloupe, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, pineapples, oranges, kiwis, strawberries, apples, bananas, mangos, papayas, and pomegranates. Each of these are rich in color, nutrients, fiber and sweetness.
2. RAW VEGETABLES can be eaten in salads or on their own or with a dip. Baby carrots provide a perfect size crunchy snack that can be eaten one after another.
3. DRIED FRUITS, NUTS AND SEEDS: Raisins, prunes, dried apricots, papayas, bananas, are a few that can be a real treat for kids and are also high in fiber. In this category are also fruit roll ups, but be sure they do not contain any sugar or corn syrup. There are a variety of nuts that a child can snack on from pistachios, almonds, peanuts and cashews. Sunflower and pumpkin seeds also provide children with important nutrients. Certain companies make pumpkin seeds that are spiced and they are tasty.
4. WHOLE GRAIN CEREALS, CRACKERS AND COOKIES that do not contain white sugar and are made with whole gains.
5. FROZEN NON SUGAR JUICES. Any fruit juice can be poured into a mold or ice cube tray and used to make a great summer flavored ice treat.
6. FROZEN BANANAS AND GRAPES take on a flavor all of their own than when they are frozen. Frozen bananas take on the texture of ice-cream and the frozen grapes develop a unique taste. Have even heard of frozen watermelon as a variation on frozen fruit healthy snacks.
7. YOGURT, providing it is not sweetened with white sugar and have candy on top can be a great healthy snack for kids. Some Greek yogurts come sweetened only with honey. Agave and plain Greek yogurt is a taste sensation and a healthy snack that your kids will enjoy.
8. WHOLE GRAIN BAGGED SNACKS; Corn chips that do not use cottonseed oil are a great wholegrain snack. Corn chips are tasty dipped in salsa or a bean dip, which provides a complete protein and goes beyond a healthy snack to acting as a small meal. Popcorn, puffed corn and soy crisps also provide some great healthy snacks.
9. RICE CAKES, while these are great alone, rice cakes can be buttered and heated slightly and will take on the taste of popcorn.
10. SLICED BEEF, POULTRY AND CHEESE. These can be sliced or cubed, seasoned and salted (except for the cheese) and placed in sandwich bags and eaten one by one as with any snack.
These ten healthy snacks when incorporated into your child’s diet on a daily basis will help your child maintain their health and weight and will give them nutrients that their growing bodies need.