The Antichrist & the Book of Revelation in a Nutshell

“Unlock the secrets of the Antichrist and the Book of Revelation. Discover the sequence of events leading to Armageddon, the Tribulation, and the return of Jesus Christ. Understand the signs, plagues, and prophecies that foretell the end of the world as we know it.” Have you ever wondered about the Antichrist and the sequence of … Read more

Babylonian Society-Old and New Judged in the Revelation

3 RELIGIOUS-SOCIAL-POLITICAL BABYON Babylonian gods and occult practices Idolatry, Immorality, and sorcery, imprinted Babylonian society. The Babylonians were idolatrous, with innumerable gods.  Historian Will Durant numbered their gods around 65,000. The nation was famous throughout the ancient world for astronomy.  They were astrologers first and foremost.  Sorcerers and necromancers were more popular than physicians.  Babylonians … Read more

The Seven Heads on the Beast of Revelation

NAMES OF BLASPHEMY on the Seven Heads The Whore of Babylon rides a scarlet colored beast and sits on seven mountains with seven heads.  The seventh head also becomes the eighth head.  On the heads are written the names of blasphemy. Revelation 17:3 describes the beast. 3 So he carried me away in the Spirit into … Read more