When Does The Tribulation Begin?

The Tribulation begins when the Antichrist signs a peace treaty with Israel, guaranteeing its security (Dan. 9:27).  Nearly all Bible prophecy centers on Israel, including the prophecies dealing with the Tribulation.   Today the Middle East is a primary focus in international affairs.Bible scholars view the reestablishment of the nation of Israel as the most important … Read more

What Is The Unholy Trinity?

The unholy trinity is derived from Revelation 13, which refers to “the Beast,” and later in the passage names him 666. The number six, translated from the New Testament Greek into English, means “vex,” or “curse.”  Seven represents God’s number of perfection. The triple six represents the unholy trinity, with the Devil acting as God.  … Read more

What is the Tribulation?

The Revelation details the Tribulation, which is a seven-year period of wars, plagues, famines, earthquakes, and disasters.  It ends in the Battle of Armageddon, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  The earth was formed in seven days and will be destroyed and judged in seven years. Seven is God’s number of completion and we see … Read more

What Did Jesus Say Would Be The Signs of His Coming

Jesus provided several signs, which include, wars and rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, false prophets, and lawlessness.  All nations will have heard the Gospel.   Christ exhorted believers to “watch” for the signs of the times (Mark 13:37).  Jesus compared the events leading to His second coming to the labor pains of childbirth (Matt. 24:8, … Read more