In end times prophecy all Bible Prophecy teachers agree that the Revelation forecasts a global, one world order ruled by the revived Roman empire that has global rule.
Here at Prophecy Talk with my emphasis on the geopolitical and proving my readers with depth and history I have in this article provided the history of European federalism or world federalism and how the ideology influenced the formation of the European Union.
European Federalism Influences Formation of EU
When nuclear bombs fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, European federalist’s wanted action on a world scale. Federalist groups now existed throughout the world. The Federal Trust for Education and Research formed in London in 1945. The Trust, a think-tank involved itself with the European Union, as a route to its ultimate goal.
According to Richard Mayne and John Pinder’s book, Federal Union: The Pioneers: A History of Federal Union, which offers excellent detailed information on the history of the European Union, When Stalin ordered a total blockade of Berlin in 1948, this impelled Europeans to unite. That summer, World Federalists held their second congress in Luxembourg. Emery Reves, one of the speakers, began to see a federation as a possible step toward world federation. Federalists endorsed regional integration as “an approach to world federation.” The long-term goal of “world government” would be achieved via this practical path.
The federalists sought to improve and strengthen world institutions such as the UN, the IMF, and the World Bank. Globalists attempted to turn the UN into a world authority. While these efforts failed, Jean Monnet reiterated their vision for the European Union. Federalists viewed the EU as an indirect route to achieve their end.
On April 18, 1951, European leaders signed the European Coal and Steel Treaty in Paris. The treaty’s members included France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. That same year, an editorial in Federal News declared that European Federalists have stated that it will be impossible to build a world federation without first federating Europe. It is becoming clear that it may not be possible to federate Europe without doing so as part of a wider scheme of federation.
According to Mayne and PInder, Federalists decided that Federal Union should encourage establishing any federations and international organizations that would lead to ultimate world federation.
In 1955, Monnet, with the Benelux statesman Paul-Henri Spaak and Jean Beyen, worked on a plan to reform Europe. The foreign ministers of the six member countries met in Messina, Sicily. They launched the process that ended with the establishment of the European Community and EURATOM (European Atomic Energy Community) on January 1, 1958.
The six decided to create a specialized community based on the ECSC, (European Coal and Steel Community) This was for the peaceful development of nuclear energy. At the same time, they decided to remove trade barriers and create a common market. Goods, persons, and capital could move freely within member countries.
On March 25, 1957, European leaders signed the EURATOM (European Atomic Agency) Treaty and the European Economic Community (EEC) or Common Market Treaty in Rome on Capitoline Hill. The EU’s founders viewed economic union as the first step for political integration.
Mayne and Pinder also record that the EEC’s institutional structure, laid out in the Treaty of Rome, found its basis in federalist ideology. Altiero Spinelli, an Italian federalist, influenced de Gasperi in the writing of the treaty. He wrote Monnet’s speech for his inaugural address as the first president of the EEC’s High Authority.
In 1957, with the signing of the Rome Treaties, the Trust’s European activities expanded. Membership grew and now included members of the EU Commission and the member countries. The subjects expanded to cover agriculture, financial investment, transport, labor law, and tax. The Trust developed the reputation as a leading think-tank. One of the speakers, Fernard Braun, a young commission official, later became the Director-General in charge of the program to complete the international market by the end of 1992. The Trust would have many more leading EU politicians in the years to follow influencing the EU’s evolution in a federalist direction.