Prophecy Central is a long standing website and ranks first on Google by Ron Graff. He is an older Bible Prophecy teacher who was written books and his career spans over 50 years. Graff graduated seminary and pastored a church, but his ministry for Christ should have stopped there.
Ron Graff cites WND as one of his New’s sites, which is recorded as a fake new’s site and does not cover the European Union and teaches the Beast of Revelation deception. The new’s sites that Graff lists on his Prophecy Central website as his sources I would give a grade of D, while having one or two decent sources the rest are below grade from a journalistic standpoint.
Ron Graff holds the view that Literal Babylon is Iraq, He even has outdated geopolitical terms on his websites such as “cold war” and he butchers butcher European Facts, which shows that Graff spent little time in research.
This is evidenced in Ron Graff’s article “Revived Roman Empire.” He begins by providing some EU history and then he started to discuss the former Western European Union and took the reader nowhere with it because he didn’t do the research to let you know how the WEU ended and that it is defunct since 2011 but its idea of an EU army evolved into the EU’s Lisbon treaty in a new more refined format that would lead to an EU army, which is now forming. This is real EU news that Graff does not present.
Then in this piece Mr. Graff went totally haywire and provided analysis that was so bad and unfounded that it defies reasoning as to why he is a Bible Prophecy teacher. He stated that the “protests and revolutions in various Islamic countries around the Mediterranean Sea since 2011 raid the specter of a new Islamic caliphate that might merge with the European countries where Muslim culture is becoming predominant.”
Well maybe this is happening in Mr. Graff’s world but not the real world, not in geopolitics. This is just not happening.
The EU’s has a refugee and immigration problem and there are countries effected negatively by the influx and conflict through the EU because of this issue but Muslim culture is not becoming predominant or overriding any EU law. Ron Graff then stated that such a coalition would resemble the Old Roman Empire and attributed the iron and clay depiction of the revived Roman Empire that Daniel predicts as the iron symbolizing Rome and the clay symbolizing the Islamic Caliphate. He is omitting the fact that the Bible tells us that the clay is the seed of men, meaning their nationalities, their genetic lineage, in today’s language “the nation state,” which the age of Empires and multipoliar world is unifying. Graff’s best piece of evidence of his teaching deception lies is his final statement, “The Islamic State (also known as ISIS and ISIL) emerged in 2014 with barbaric practices and the stated goal of reestablishing the caliphate.”
In Mr. Graff’s world because this was ISIS’s goal it was as good as accomplished. He obviously relied on too many news headlines and the real scary ones that had to do with ISIS.
What is pathetic is that people find his site and read his analysis and are not only reading a piece that was not researched properly, but are being misdirected on how Bible Prophecy is being fulfilled. He teaches the Islamic Antichrist and Beast of Revelation deception.
Ron Graff in holding the view that an Islamic caliphate might merge with European Countries, which holds no water in the area of geopolitics or even has remote possibility of being fulfilled. Ron Graff’s site is disorganized and his end time analysis is abysmal. Graff is also a full time Pastor and an apologetic and irons in the fire. Keeping up with world events and behind the scenes information is very time consuming. But, he has authored book and while I would like to give his books on theology a good grade, the fact that he has embraced and teaches deception and holds such low standards in his relaying of current events and obviously just relies on new’s headlines and with inferior sources.
I cannot stress enough to be careful who you get your Bible Prophecy news and analysis from and that you have to really make sure the source knows what they are talking about.
I happened to come across a website it was Ron Graff’s and in his article revived Roman Empire he provided some EU history and then he started to discuss the former Western European Union and took the reader no where with it because he didn’t do the research to let you know how the WEU ended and yet evolved but I actually covered that in an article and video on the forming EU army
Then in this piece Mr. Graff went totally haywire and provided analysis that was so bad and unfounded that it defies reasoning as to why he is a Bible Prophecy teacher. He stated that the “protests and revolutions in various Islamic countries around the Mediterranean Sea since 2011 raid the specter of a new Islamic caliphate that might merge with the European countries where Muslim culture is becoming predominant. Well maybe this is happening in Mr. Graff’s world but not the real world, not in geopolitics. This is just not happening. The EU’s has a refugee and immigration problem and there are countries effected negatively by the influx and conflict through the EU because of this issue but Muslim culture is not becoming predominant or overriding any EU law. Ron Graff then stated that such a coalition would resemble the Old Roman Empire and attributed the iron and clay depiction of the revived Roman Empire that Daniel predicts as the iron symbolizing Rome and the clay symbolizing the Islamic Caliphate. He is omitting the fact that the Bible tells us that the clay is the seed of men, meaning their nationalities, their genetic lineage, in today’s language the nation state which the age of Empires and multipoliar world is unifying. Graff’s best piece of evidence is his final statement, “The Islamic State (also known as ISIS and ISIL) emerged in 2014 with barbaric practices and the stated goal of reestablishing the caliphate.
In Mr. Graff’s world because this was ISIS’s goal it was as good as accomplished. He obviously relied on too many news headlines and the real scary ones that had to do with ISIS.
What is pathetic is that people find his site and read his analysis and are not only reading a piece that was not researched properly, but are being misdirected on how Bible Prophecy is being fulfilled. When they come accross Prophecy Central, the title of the site is misleading because it is not Prophecy Central and and Mr. Graff’s interest in Bible Prophecy is not enough to qualify him to be a Bible Prophecy teacher if he does approach the topic with the time and standards of professionalism it requires.
Ron Graff is teaching a deception. Ron Graff and his website get the grade of bad in the Directory for Bible Prophecy Teachers who are Excellent, Good and Bad, Bad, Ugly, No Go Zones and False Prophets.