My book The Seat of the Antichrist: Bible Prophecy and the European Union proves that the EU is the final world power spoken of by Daniel the Prophet and John in the Revelation and provides an in-depth view of the EU in light of Prophecy in the Bible.
Bible Prophecy watchers should be keeping an eye on the EU’s political evolution, which will rise to superpower or super-empire status.
For this reason I created this EU Directory, which provides the best links to EU news, EU think-tanks and the Federalist Movement in Europe, which is the ideology that drives the EU.
Europa Website–The EU’s Website which is home to all government publications, treaties, press releases, and has pages for each EU institution and so much more.
Agence Europe: The European Union Press Agency Europe is a leading information source consulted by journalists and EU leaders for more than 50 years. Considered throughout the world as THE SOURCE and the EU Bible of information on European economic and political integration. It is very expensive to order but they provide a one week free trial. The daily bulletins are exhaustive and if you do not have time for them the reports alone are worth getting.
The following links are the best online news sources for getting up to the minute EU news with EurActiv taking the lead.
New Europe
EUXTV The European Affairs Channel Found on Youtube, this is the leading EU news channel which has earned a reputation for providing clips not found in any other television/internet news source.
Directory of Think Tanks that influence and aid in the formation of EU policy.
European Union Think Tank Directory
While the following links are to EU think-tanks, which are already included in the directory but are here for easy access. Notre Europe was founded by Jacques Delors a former EU Commission President who is one of the father’s of the present European Union.
European Council on Foreign Relations
Notre Europe
Europe’s World Notre Europe publishes Europe’s World, an online news source and is the only independent Europe-wide policy journal, produced in association with over 130 leading European think tanks and academic institutions.
The News Rags with the Financial Times taking the lead.
Financial Times
International Herald Tribune
Global New York Times
The European Federalist movement ,which the Seat of the Antichrist devotes an entire chapter to regarding its one-world ideology and is influence on EU leaders and EU policy. The Federalist Trust listed below is also think-tank listed in the Think-Tank directory .
Federalist Trust for Education and Research
U.E.F. Union of European Federalists
The Federalist: A Political Review
JEF: Young European Federalists
European Federalists
Federal Union the Pioneers
For Riveting and Complete Details on the European Union and Bible Prophecy Buy My Book: The Seat of the Antichrist: Bible Prophecy and The European Union