In addition to breathing life into the image of the beast, we see other miracles that the false prophet accomplishes and one of these includes making fire come down from heaven in the sight of men.
While this might very well be a miracle it also sounds like advanced holographic technology, which allows people to see and feel objects from other parts of the world. It also gives individuals the ability to appear on stage and speak to people who are miles away in another room. Holographic technology can allow the appearance of fire from heaven. There are also other 3 D virtual reality technologies in the works, that can also cause these type of spectacles.
Another area is haptic communication or HMI’s human to machine interaction that would allow one to go to an online web store and have the ability to touch a product before buying it. This technology would also be used for video conferencing where family members can interact “haptically” while away from each other, according to Professor Eckehard Steinback in the interview, “Touch and Feel Over Distance: The Next Trend in ICT.?” They are in the process of how to commercialize selected results and get an idea of market potential and produce prototypes for potential customers. Combined with holographic technology one would be able to feel the heat from the holographic flame the Antichrist produces.
Considering where technology is heading, that it is a tower of Babel where man believes he can be like God, even to the point of thinking he can perfect on God’s creation, and knowing that the Antichrist honors the god of technology,
the False Prophet may not be a religious leader as Evangelicals have assumed but might be a scientist advocating the latest tower of babel technologies that support the claimed deity of the Antichrist.
It might be that the miracles the Bible speaks of in Revelation 13 are not miracles like Jesus performed, but technological feats and accomplishments which appear as miracles.
The word for miracles used in Revelation 13 means a sign, mark, token and “that by which a person or a thing is distinguished from others and is known,” or “a sign, prodigy, portent, i.e an usual occurrence transcending the common course of nature.” This could fit technological achievements and the direction it is moving towards and fulfill the miracles performed by the false prophet in Revelation 13.
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