Bible Prophecy Predicts End Time- Technological Breakthroughs
In the book of Daniel, the prophet is told of the technological breakthroughs at the time of the end. In Daniel 12:4 it states, “But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”
Many running to and fro describes modern transportation, airplanes, cars and trains. The word for knowledge used in this verse for increase in the Hebrew means, “increase exceedingly, enlarge, become numerous, become many, multiply, to make great’, plenty. It also means to grow up. This describes the machine and finally this technological age, which are the end times and provide the framework for the fulfillment of various prophecies.
Adding impetus to the rapid expansion in knowledge are the funding by nations to pursue the economic growth that new technologies can spur. From computers to television, consumers want the latest features. This fact has increased growth and spending in commercial research and development programs by, the US, China, the EU and Japan. This means that nations are in a race to promote new technological breakthroughs, and they work hard at making and selling the latest products.
The European Union jumped on this bandwagon in as early as 1974. Today, scientific research is the third largest area of EU spending, after agriculture and structural development. The Federal Trust for Education and Research, a think-tank organization that aids in formulating EU policy, stated several decades ago in a report that:
Europe cannot afford to exclude itself from the profound technological transformation which is currently sweeping the world and which is expected to be the locomotive of economic development over the next two or three decades. Historians have noted that, periodically, the world brings forth a new technology, or group of related technologies, of such a revolutionary nature that it transforms the whole basis of economic activity…There is little disagreement that information technology is the mainstream technology of the current era.
In this quest, the Mark of the Beast will be researched and launched.
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Purchase Decoding 666 The Number of the Beast on Amazon
What is the Mark of the Beast-2
Bible Prophecy Predicts End Time Technological Breakthroughs-3
Antichrist Honors Technology god For Good Reason-4
The Mark of the Beast More Than Just A Payment Device-5
Key Mark of the Beast Passage in Bible Prophecy-6
The Image of the Beast is Here-7
The False Prophet’s Fire From Heaven-A Holograph?-8
The Mark and Image of the Beast Guarantee Hell-9
Solving the Revelation 13:18 Riddle
I. Here is wisdom-10
II. For it is the number of a man-11
III. Why a number for a name-12
IV. His number is 666-13
V. 666 is the ultimate idolatry-14
VI. The Beast-idolatry-currency and gold-15
VII. Numerology of gold represents the heavenly or idolatry-16
10 The Mark of the Beast Meets Geopolitics-17
11.The Seed of Satan & Immortality-Garden of Eden’s DNA Changing Trees-18
I. The DNA changing tree of the knowledge of good and evil vs. tree of life-19
II. The DNA changing tree of the knowledge of good and evil-20
III. The seed of Satan-the change of man’s DNA-21
IV. The serpent in the garden-a Satan possessed snake-22
V. When seed of Satan changed man’s DNA Angel of Death and Hades appeared-23
VI. The tree of life supercharges man’s DNA to immortality-24
VII. Gold and DNA-its relation revealed in the garden of Eden-25
VIII. Is the mark of the Beast a DNA change?-26
Technology That Fits the Mark of the Beast-27
I. You’ll have a choice between a brain or a hand chip-28
II. Radio frequency tattoo eerily fits mark of the beast’s description-29
III. Solving the riddle –counting the number of his name-30
IV. Jesus warns of life in the Antichrist’s police state-31
V. The Antichrist will give you two choices for the mark-32
The Image of the Beast-The Siege of Jerusalem-33
I. Run from the mark of the Beast to the mountains-34
II. Mass betrayals against those who refuse to take the mark of the Beast-35
III. Torture and death for those who don’t take the mark of the Beast-36
IV. 1290 days of Daniel-30 days of bowl judgements-37
V. Possible reasons for the battle of Armageddon-38
VI. The cataclysmic end of the world and return of Christ-39
The Technology god In the Book of Daniel-40
I. The technology god and it’s prophets-41
II. The technology gods teachings, buzzwords and mark of the Beast-42
III. Miracles duplicated by technology god-43
The Technology Tower of Babel-44
I. Two towers of Babel that reach to the Heavens CERN and FAST-45
II. The Antichrist will head technology Tower of Babel-46
III. Funding For Babel’s mark of the Beast in place-47
Parallel Dimensions-48
I. Parallel Universe-The God of the Bible-49
II. Parallel Universe-demons and angels in the Revelation-50
III. Parallel Universe-understood by a child-51
IV. The Parallel dimension connects with the physical world-52
V. Antichrist via technology will mimic the Holy Trinity-53
Quantum Computers-666 the Image and Mark of the Beast-54
I. D-Wave and Demons-The Bible-Demons are in the idols-55
II. Quantum Computers-its link to Satan and 666-56
III. Nebuchadnezzar’s Image of Cubits Vs. Quantum Computer’s Qubits-57
IV. IV. The Revelation’s Fractal Sequence -777 vs. 666 and Quantum Computing-58
Taking the Mark of the Beast-The Unforgivable Sin of Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit-59
I. Abomination of Desolation-Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit-60
II. The Mysterious Restrainer Removed Via Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit-61
III. 666 The Number of Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit-62
Decoding 666 The Number of the Beast Purchase on Amazon