The Mark of the Beast Meets Geopolitics
While many writers will talk about the Mark of the Beast and how the Antichrist will institute it, a key piece is that he must be in a political position to fulfill what the Scriptures predict.
Before we go any further in this report I want to show you what is equally as hair-raising as the technologies that are available to fulfill the Mark of the Beast, is that the leading position in the European Union, which is the final world empire that will launch the Antichrist will allow him access to these technologies and the ability to implement them. See my book my book the Seat of the Antichrist Bible Prophecy and the European Union for the report on how without a doubt the EU is the final world empire.
The European Commission president leads the European Union and in my book I have identified it as the Seat of the Antichrist because it would allow the Antichrist all of the powers outlined in Scripture.
Concerning the Mark of the Beast technology the way that the EU is structured would allow the Antichrist direct access to the latest technologies and the ability to implement them EU and then worldwide. Technological advances are important to the EU’s economic growth and prosperity.
The Commission presidency has a team of commissioners that it appoints who report to the president. One of them is the Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation. There is the possibility that at the time of the Antichrist, this role can be filled by the false prophet. I previously leaned in the direction of the false prophet being a religious leader, but during the research for this report I saw the similarities of religious and scientific beliefs. The book of Daniel indirectly refers to technology as a false god. It is very likely that the false prophet can be a scientist who advocates for the Antichrist and technology.
Today science is a tower of babel with scientists believing that they can be like God by perfecting his creation and achieve immortality and defeat aging. The false prophet will advocate this as well, but will mainly promote the Antichrist.
The European Union’s Commissioners for Science and Research’s reports to the Commission president, which in the future will be the Antichrist and his responsibilities are as follows:
Making sure that research funding programs, notably Horizon 2020, contribute to the Commission’s jobs, growth and investment package.
Horizon 2020 promises breakthroughs, discoveries and world firsts because it provides the funding for scientists. It has allocated a whopping 80 billion euros available until 2020 to help fund these discoveries.
Scientists submit a proposal for their research project and it is evaluated by the Commission, if the Commission likes the project it draws up a grant agreement with the participant. The European Commission then draws up a grant agreement with each participant. The grant agreement confirms what research & innovation activities will be undertaken, the project duration, budget, rates and costs, European Commission’s contribution, all rights and obligations and more.
The Commissioner for Science and Research oversees Horizon 2020 to make sure the selected projects lead to the EU’s economic growth. He also promotes the international excellence of the EU’s research and science and he helps strengthen research capacities and innovation across all Member States. In addition the Commissioner evaluates how EU-funded research can be used more effectively. He ensures that Commission proposals are based on scientific evidence.
According to the Commission’s own wording, “ He also encourages private companies to apply research to meet challenges faced by society and create more high-quality jobs. “ This means that under the Antichrist he will have the ability to influence the “Mark of the Beast” technology.
The Commission also states of the duties of the Commissioner:
The Commissioner is also responsible for establishing strong coordination across the Commission regarding research, science and innovation matters, to make sure that Commission proposals and activities are based on sound scientific evidence and contribute best to jobs and growth agenda. He is supported by a Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (RTD) and he or she reports to the Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation.
In addition to the Commissioner for Science and Research’s role, The Joint Research Centre, under the responsibility of Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, is the European Commission’s science service. Its mission is to support EU policies and the JRC provides independent scientific and technical advice to the European Commission to support a wide range of European Union policies, and it will also assist in the ‘Mark of the Beast’ technology and its implementation.
The JRC also maximizes the value of Horizon 2020, which is the biggest EU Research and Innovation program ever that promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market.
The groundwork is already laid for the implementation of the Mark of the Beast through the current EU institutional structure and even with further changes in those bodies as the EU moves towards political union this structure should not change.
It is noteworthy that it already exists without further evolution of the EU. The fact that this infrastructure is already in place as the technologies that fit the image of the beast and Mark of the Beast are appearing shows how close we are to the start of the Tribulation.
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